Ethical Conduct Guidelines
Dongkuk Industries establishes ethical conduct guidelines as a standard for decision-making and value judgment in employees' job performance and corporate activities. To create the right corporate culture and develop into a trusted company, it adopts these guidelines as principles for fair and rational job performance.

1. The purpose of these guidelines is to define the minimum ethical standards that Dongkuk Industries employees must comply with.
2. These guidelines apply to all employees working at the headquarters and each business site.
3. All employees must be familiar with and faithfully comply with the "Ethical Conduct Guidelines".
4. All employees must submit an "Ethics and Compliance Pledge".

1. To achieve customer satisfaction, always listen to customers, provide them with the highest quality and service, and prioritize the customer in all judgments and actions.
2. Customer complaints must be handled as promptly and kindly as possible.
3. Customer information is not disclosed to third parties or used for other purposes without the customer's prior consent.
4. Do not engage in false, exaggerated, or overstated Advertisement to customers; provide necessary information promptly to facilitate rational decision-making.
5. Do not engage in unfair contracts or any action that harms customer interests.

1. Compete fairly, respecting the principles and order of the market economy.
2. Do not unfairly infringe on the interests of competitors or exploit their weaknesses unjustly.
3. Do not illicitly appropriate the tangible or intangible assets of competitors.
4. Employees must not directly or indirectly propose or provide bribes or any form of inappropriate benefits to stakeholders.
5. Emphasize compliance management and adhere to domestic and international anti-corruption laws and regulations.

1. Ensure all transactions are transparent and fair and do not engage in unfair conduct using a dominant position.
2. The registration and selection of subcontractors follow objective and fair standards and procedures.
3. Prioritize the company's interests in transactions with subcontractors without considering personal interests.
4. Equitably provide necessary information for transactions and do not unjustly use the information or technology obtained through the transaction process.

1. Contribute to the development of the region and the nation and fulfill responsibilities and duties as a respected company in various societal sectors, including education and culture.
2. The company does not engage in politics or allow political activities within the business premises.
3. Guarantee employees' rights to political participation, allowing them to express political positions as individuals but being careful not to misconstrue them as the company’s stance.
4. The company does not provide any illegal donations or expenses directly or indirectly.

1. Respect the dignity of each employee as an individual.
2. Stimulate work achievement motivation through fair evaluation and compensation for employees' capabilities and performances and actively support by equipping and energizing a system that cultivates autonomous and creative talents.
3. Provide opportunities to enhance employees' abilities fairly, without discrimination based on gender, religion, age, place of origin, or educational background.
4. Encourage and highly recommend a system that allows employees to make suggestions and proposals and express concerns freely.

1. Basic Ethics
ㅤ1) As employees of Dongkuk Industries, we are proud and dignified, avoiding any actions that may tarnish the company's honor or degrade its dignity.
ㅤ2) Employees maintain high ethical values, refraining from immoral and unethical behaviors in personal and professional life that could attract social criticism for individual dignity and the company's honor.
ㅤ3) Employees commit to sharing the company's management philosophy and diligently performing their assigned duties.
ㅤ4) Upon recognizing illegal or unjust actions, employees must immediately report them following appropriate procedures and strive for resolution, avoiding deliberate omission or concealment.
ㅤ5) Superiors cannot instruct subordinates to perform tasks against laws and company regulations. Employees have the right to refuse such instructions without facing any disadvantages when reporting them to the company.
2. Distinguishing Between Public and Private
ㅤ1) Company properties or materials are not used for personal purposes.
ㅤ2) Employees do not pursue personal gains using their position nor issue unfair personal instructions to subordinates.
ㅤ3) Engaging in unrelated internet use, online communication, gaming, or prolonged personal phone calls during work hours is prohibited.
ㅤ4) Favoritism based on personal connections, educational background, or family ties in personnel management is strictly prohibited, maintaining organizational operation based on fair competition principles.
ㅤ5) In case of conflict between company and personal interests, the company's interests are prioritized and acted upon accordingly.
3. Healthy and Pleasant Organizational Culture
ㅤ1) Cleanliness and tidiness are habituated to create a safe and comfortable working environment.
ㅤ2) Smoking outside designated areas and gambling activities among employees within and outside the company premises are prohibited.
ㅤ3) Basic courtesy necessary for workplace life is observed among colleagues or between superiors and subordinates, avoiding rude and threatening behaviors that could harm organizational harmony and development.
ㅤ4) Physical or verbal actions that could induce sexual embarrassment within the company are prohibited.
ㅤ5) Mutual gift-giving among employees is strictly forbidden, except for modest, equitable gifts like birthday presents, which are considered exceptions.
ㅤ6) Employee contributions are made voluntarily within social norms and conventions.
4. Information Management
ㅤ1) Employees ensure that critical company information is not leaked externally.
ㅤ2) Necessary measures are taken to prevent unauthorized access to or viewing company information.
ㅤ3) Only work-permitted computer software is used.

1. Prohibition of Receiving Money or Gifts
ㅤ1) All employees shall not, under any circumstances related to their duties, accept any money, securities, goods, or benefits and entertainment from others.
ㅤ2) When a stakeholder attempts to offer money or gifts, employees should clearly and politely refuse by explaining the ethos of Dongkuk Industries' Ethical Governance.
ㅤ3) Employees who unavoidably receive money or gifts from stakeholders must immediately report to their direct supervisor, who then instructs on the handling and confirms the resolution.
ㅤ4) Despite the 'Prohibition of Receiving Money or Gifts,' exceptions can be made within the bounds of social norms and ethical standards with the direct supervisor's approval.
2. Prohibition of Bribery and Offering of Money or Gifts
ㅤ1) Employees must not propose or provide any improper benefits, including money or hospitality, to government officials, customers, or any third party, directly or indirectly, to influence a specific action.
ㅤ2) Requesting, abetting, condoning, or permitting third parties to engage in bribery is prohibited.
ㅤ3) Providing any benefits, including money or hospitality, to public officials or others, regardless of job relevance or quid pro quo, is prohibited, except as relevant laws allow.
3. Prohibition of Mediation and Solicitation
ㅤ1) All employees must not engage in mediation, solicitation, or introduction that influences another employee's job performance using their position or personal relationships.
ㅤ2) Actions that cause government officials or others to violate laws or misuse their position or authority are prohibited.
4. Prohibition of Improper Handling of Duties
Employees must handle their duties based on legality, validity, and the principles of faithfulness, fairness, and transparency, according to sound judgment and conscience.

1. All employees must faithfully comply with the 'Ethical Conduct Guidelines,' and violations will result in corresponding disciplinary actions.
2. Any coercion or awareness of violations against the Ethical Conduct Guidelines should be reported and consulted with the relevant department, which must take measures to protect the reporter or informant.

1. Separate disciplinary regulations determine the punishment criteria for violators.
2. Employees who violate related laws, such as the Anti-Corruption Law, and are fined as a civil or criminal penalty will not be indemnified by the company under any circumstances and cannot reclaim the fine amount or other damages from the company.
3. In cases where an employee is punished civilly or criminally for violating anti-corruption laws and regulations, the company will not take responsibility on behalf of the employee under any circumstances, and the employee cannot reclaim the fine amount or other damages from the company.